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William Micklem


The importance of mental preparation for sports is universally recognised and the need is obvious at all levels in all equestrian activities. For example many riders fail to produce their best work in competition because of a loss of concentration, the paralysing effect of tension, or a lack of confidence. An even greater number probably fail to fulfil their potential because of a lack of discipline and motivation on a day-to-day basis at home.

The use of role playing and modelling is a powerful tool I use to overcome such problems and develop the right attitude of mind. It is much easier to use and more natural to humans than many realise, because role playing and modelling is already used by everyone to some degree in our daily lives.

It is almost impossible to go through life without learning, copying and being influenced by those around you either consciously or unconsciously. My special twist to this basic truth is that you can make this more effective by first identifying what is missing in your mental armoury and then find the right role models to improve your performance in these specific areas.

Having identified the mental attributes required, a role model is selected that you like and know well - often not a famous person. However because this exercise has to relate to many people I have chosen Tiger Woods as our role model. Our task is to be Tiger Woods for a day with the aim of becoming more 'cool, calm and collected.'


The image that most people have of Tiger Woods is of a disciplined, rock solid and unhurried personality, who gets out of bed each day at the same time and does the job with inexorable consistency and persistence, whether in practise or competition. Just by focusing regularly on these qualities the wonderful bonus is that our behaviour will automatically move towards this image. This is a huge achievement for little investment.

To accelerate this process we need to study Tiger further, including his body language, so we can gradually act as though we were him for brief periods when in a situation which calls for his qualities. You might find one mannerism that will trigger all of Tiger's mental qualities, or it may be his walk or the way he holds his head. It will also be helpful to select some key words, such as discipline , double-check , and breathe ; and some phrases, such as winners succeed by effort not accident , measure it twice and cut it once , and many strokes fell the tallest oaks . By putting key words and phrases and pictures of Tiger Woods on cards, in places you will regularly see them through the day, you will be helped to maintain and practise the Tiger Woods role play.

Like all exercises regular practise is required if the exercise is to be effective but you can begin with bite size sessions. For example having a 15 mns Tiger Wood session at the start of each day to list your action steps and a 15mns session each evening to go through some or all of your key words and phrases and evaluate your progress. All these activities have added value if done with the support and encouragement of a coach.

Tiger is also a very positive person with a 'can do' spirit.. A 'can do' spirit also protects us from the paralysing pessimism, that is all too characteristic of anxiety and depression. To establish this attitude of mind use key words such as Yes!, Forwards! and Courage . Useful key phrases would be winners know they are able , play from strength , and focus on ability . Muhammed Ali was doing a similar thing when he used to say " I am the greatest!


This famous quotation expresses the attitude of Tiger Woods better than most words and is a great positive philosophy for anyone ."Some see themselves as they are and say 'why'? Others see themselves as they might be and say 'why not'? You can use your image of Tiger Woods to ensure you carry this attitude with you habitually. This is the aim. With regular use of role playing you will find that one image can trigger a wide range of desired qualities. The greatest value of role playing is that gradually you will no longer be role playing, because these attitudes will become an established part of who you are on a daily basis.


After a period of almost uninterrupted success in International competition at Junior and Young Rider level Pippa Funnell had a difficult beginning to her Senior career. After a long period of disappointment Pippa used a sports psychologist who emphasized the importance of working from her strengths. As Pippa said " It made a huge difference not only to me but in particular to my horses . I worked from their strengths as well, from the things they could do rather than what they couldn't do. This has made all the difference."


The single most powerful determinant of how much we accomplish in life is the level of confidence we have to take on a new challenge and as a result of our actions succeed in it. This is because having this confidence is so self motivating. What's more, we'll be versatile and tenacious in the face of problems and setbacks, all because we believe in ourselves. It just so happens, of course, that such dynamism, ingenuity and perseverance are key ingredients for progress, and it's largely thanks to them that our confidence becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

So how can we cultivate our own self-confidence? By far the most potent method is to set ourselves simple tasks, which can be relied upon to give us a taste of success. When we witness ourselves succeed, our confidence takes a turn for the better and little by little this enables us to reach our goals. This "small action steps" strategy may not seem like rocket science, but just think what we often do instead: Right from the start we either decide we don't have sufficient talent or intelligence, and stay firmly on the couch; or we bite off more than we can chew, drafting overlong to-do lists without a plan, and the result is invariably failure. Thus we deny ourselves the satisfaction and self-confidence of knowing that we're in control and can habitually complete tasks successfully.

However using readily achievable action steps does not mean being without ambition or being aimless. The secret is to first set your long term aims and plan backwards. Then execute these bite-size steps directed specifically towards achieving your medium term goals. This stacks the odds in your favour and produces the opposite of a vicious circle. Being confident that we have the internal resources and method to take on a new challenge, we accomplish more and in turn become more confident.


In any sport, the focus needs to be on both the performer and the performance. Unfortunately, the development of the performer as a well balanced human being often takes second place. If this happens, the performance will eventually suffer. Whatever the competition level, all performers need to keep their sport in context. There is a time to be a success in your life and a time for your life to be a success. The balance between these two aims is of the greatest importance.

If a life is entirely dependent on competitive success then disappointment is almost inevitable. A performer needs to achieve happily rather than achieve to be happy. If there is one outstanding characteristic of those who participate successfully in sport it is that they enjoy themselves. Others, who are even more fortunate, actually love what they do, and it is true to say that if you love what you are doing nothing is tedious or hard work. The only surprising thing is that enjoyment and the development of an appropriate lifestyle is so often missed in mental preparation programmes. Working out how to look after yourself as a human being is a vital part of your mental preparation programme.


Good mental preparation should be an integral and long term part of any training programme. Here we have mentioned just one technique, role playing, with regard to two main areas; being cool, calm and collected and being confident. But this is just a beginning. The brain has huge untapped potential and powers and those that harness more of it will achieve more.

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